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Regrets Story Time When I was a kid(mid-schooler), I wanted to be my school’s Head Boy or at least part of the council member. So, I decided that I will take part in the election. But here’s a thing, I have a mild stage fright that means regardless of how confident I am in person or a small group of people. I can’t speak on stage as confidently as I spoke that in my mind. This could be one of the reasons for me not nominating my name in the election. Currently, I am in class 12th which means that I am eligible for the post of Head Boy. As soon as the academic session started I was waiting patiently(or rather impatiently) for the election to start. But as soon as the election time was getting closer, I started about overthinking about it. At one point, I even thought of not participating because I started fearing that I would lose the election and it would be an embarrassing situation for me. But then, I thought that it’s better that I participate and lose inste

Dear Diary

Dear Diary Info This is a piece of fiction. Art work by Sara. Poem I sit alone in my locked room trying to adapt this gloom the tears rolling out of my eyes just as the blood flowing out my wrist one hand holds the cigarette while the other holds beer the sad heart of mine doesn’t let me see the picture clear This pain, this sadness, it is unbearable I tell myself picking another bottle from table I sit in the corner pondering what to do how to get better to whom should I go Staring at ceiling thinking about my feeling I need someone to tell it will be alright to tell things will again be great to tell it’s not a big deal to cheer me up and complete my meal I miss the old me the one when I was happy the one when Malibu was just a place and I didn’t need alcohol to maintain my grace the one when I could cheer without a beer the one when stag was just a type of deer the one when trip getting canceled was the worst heartbreak the one when I acted bei

Career Confusion

Career Confusion Grades: The Rat Race From the starting of the school, we all are told that to excel in life, to achieve something big, to become wealthy, etc we need to get good grades, straight A+ and A, nothing less. But do you really think it is the truth? Getting good marks doesn’t guarantee you that you will surely succeed in life. All these lies the society feeds you are toxic. Don’t trust them blindly. These lies blur your ability to decide what’s good for you. There are people who are doing really amazing stuff even without being a topper. Deciding Your Future: Grades We all are expected to choose a career based on grades. If you get A+ then you are expected to become doctor or engineer, if B+ then CA or teachers, and if you are on the bottom food chain(read as grade chain) you are expected to be reporters, professor, etc. Leave grades, I have even seen people recommending career based on writing. I have bad handwriting and I have heard this many time “He’s going

Indian Media: Getting Dumb and Dumber

Surreal Blog #5 Date: 18 Mar 2019 Time: 11:24 pm Indian Media: Getting Dumb and Dumber “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, that’s the power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” - Malcom X(American minister) Day by day, news channels all over the country are losing their sensibility in the name of getting TRP 1 . They are getting competitive which should be good thing but it’s not. You must be thinking why, let me tell you my reader, because they are getting competitive for wrong goal. They should be competitive about showing genuine news faster than others and news that actually matters but sadly they have taken it in the other way. They are getting competitive in goals like who shows most irrelevant news, who can make people cringe more, et cetera. Earlier they showed people what they need to know and which were relevant but now they show what they want you to see an