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Showing posts from May, 2019

Career Confusion

Career Confusion Grades: The Rat Race From the starting of the school, we all are told that to excel in life, to achieve something big, to become wealthy, etc we need to get good grades, straight A+ and A, nothing less. But do you really think it is the truth? Getting good marks doesn’t guarantee you that you will surely succeed in life. All these lies the society feeds you are toxic. Don’t trust them blindly. These lies blur your ability to decide what’s good for you. There are people who are doing really amazing stuff even without being a topper. Deciding Your Future: Grades We all are expected to choose a career based on grades. If you get A+ then you are expected to become doctor or engineer, if B+ then CA or teachers, and if you are on the bottom food chain(read as grade chain) you are expected to be reporters, professor, etc. Leave grades, I have even seen people recommending career based on writing. I have bad handwriting and I have heard this many time “He’s going