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How I started reading books

Surreal Blog #1

How I started reading books

Time: 11:55 pm
Date: 14th November 2018


Hey, I am Surreal. I like reading, listening music and learning new things.
In these series of blogs, I will be talking about a lot of different things like book reviews, education system, reservation system, inter-planetary travel, technology, things happening in my life (of course), etc.

I started reading books when I was in IX standard (Summer of 2016). Like many people, I asked the questions like “How do people read these thick books with no pictures?”, “Why read the book when you can watch the movie?”, etc but now when I hear people asking these same questions I just smile to myself. Like every other kid, I was reluctant to read books. My maternal uncle had been asking me to start reading books from the beginning of the year, but I just repeated the above quoted questions childishly. His reply to those questions is the same I now give to people who ask these questions. And the answer is, books aren’t boring, the authors write so artfully that when you start reading them, you are so indulged into them that you forget that you are reading a book, it feels like you are watching a movie. So you don’t need the pictures to imagine the scene going on. So that year on my birthday he gifted me 3 books, they were The Old Man And The Sea by Ernst Hemingway, The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho and To Kill A Mocking Bird by Harper Lee. At first I obviously didn’t like the gift but now I know how important that gift was.

One Book Can Change A Life

The book with which I started reading was “The Alchemist”. It’s one of the best books I have ever read and one of my favourites (Bibliophile never have a single favourite book). I only read 2-3 pages in the first week (Don’t blame me I was naive) but I started to like it and finished it few days later. After that I got Harry Potter And The Philosopher’s stone, I finished reading it in 2 days. Later on I got lots of books.
Now I was obsessive with books, I read them whenever I got time during free lectures, in between them, bus, eating, etc. I was so obsessed that I finished the whole Harry Potter series in 2 weeks!
Now everyone (friends and even the teachers) who know me, knows that I am always reading a book or I always have one in my bag. Now I suggest books to new readers. I love when I see people reading, I suggest them easy to read but good books. Few of them are really excited at first but later they give up. And the weird part is they only read couples of pages.

Exercise Is To Body, Reading Is To Mind

Reading flexes your brain muscles. The best thing about reading books is that you look at things from other people’s perspective, you learn a lot about different culture, food, etc and help you look at things differently.
There are many genres to read from. Some of them are:
  1. Fiction
  2. Sci-fi
  3. Fantasy
  4. Horror
  5. Thriller
  6. Biography
  7. Graphic Novels (for those who want pictures)
I have read lots of books. Here are some of the books which I usually recommend to people who want to read books:
  1. The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho
  2. The Diary Of A Wimpy kid by Jeff Kinney
  3. Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne Frank
  4. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi (graphic novel)
  5. Animal Farm by George Orwell
  6. 5 Centimeters Per Second by Makoto Shinkai 
  7. Harry Potter series (The later part are long for some new readers)

These books are all easy to read, short and have good storyline.
That’s it for now.



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